------------- :: logicOS :: ------------- Release Date: 2022-04-16 Version: 1.0 Lead System Designer - Hoffman Lead Kernel Developer - Blueberry Icon Design - Vector Pixel Star Development Director - SaVannaH Testing and Support - Ferris, Wobble, RC55 -------------- :: Foreword :: -------------- Welcome to the evolution of Amiga operating systems, logicOS. A generational leap for Motorola based Amiga computers bringing state of the art computing technology and a futuristic UI. Coupled with a sleek and efficient codebase means it can run fast and stable on almost any Amiga while still looking good. At the heart of logicOS is a bytecode based Kernel (codename Rose) which keeps the disk footprint incredibly small. Code is then rendered in memory as fully functioning 68000 machine language for fast effective execution. The core system comes bundled with a suite of forward thinking and groundbreaking applications, some of which have never been seen before on any other system. These applications have been a part of the logicoma demo creation process for many years, providing much needed inspiration from unlikely places. We are so happy to be able to share these tools with you and hope you enjoy using them. By using logicOS you automatically agree to the EULA at the end of this document. ------------------------- :: System Requirements :: ------------------------- Amiga OCS/ESC chipset or higher Motorola 68000 CPU or higher 512k chip ram 512k other ram 64kb free disk space PAL 50hz display NTSC is currently incompatible and will experience display and data synchronisation issues. If your system has a later chipset, we suggest booting the system in PAL mode. This is available by holding down both mouse buttons during system startup and selecting PAL in the Display Options. ----------- :: Audio :: ----------- logicOS utilises the onboard Paula chip for all sound output. For optimization reasons we strongly suggest running your system in Mono for the best results. -------------------------------------- :: Antivirus and Malware Protection :: -------------------------------------- Currently logicOS does not contain any antivirus or malware protection. Please seek a third party solution for this and be ever vigilant when downloading or sampling data from unknown signal sources. Backup regularly. ---------------------------- :: Installed Applications :: ---------------------------- * Search * Every OS needs a search function and logicOS is no exception. All your files, messages and data samples are searchable from one interface. Using super swift algorithmic search indexing, it will return any related items in an instant even on a stock 68000. * Messaging * In the age of multiple closed ecosystems, logicOS dares to be different. You can combine any number of messaging platforms into logicOS to be consumed within a single easy to use interface. The auto-scribe feature will ensure even voicemails get tagged with a subject line and turned into readable text which becomes searchable. * Demos * At logicoma we love demos so we have included a fantastic demoscene playback engine. Using community databases you can search for any demo by keyword, group, party, production type or platform. If the demo is not Amiga compatible, it will automatically download the most accurate emulator for the required system and configure it exactly how the demo needs it to run. Please note: emulation results may vary, a more powerful system may be required to run some demos. * Tracker (beta) * The Tracker provides a means for making music for your demos. While still in this very early stage of development it is showing some promise. Many features are planned, a road map for which will be released at a later date. * Scanner * Culminating years of research and development, the multi-dimensional scanner has become the stalwart of logicoma demo making. Using patented zeta-wave auto tuning technology, it is able to hunt down signals from all manner of weird and wonderful places. Once a signal has been locked, the coordinates are automatically loaded into the Receiver for downloading and sampling data. * Cracker * No data is secret with the Cracker. A plethora of machine learning techniques have been condensed and applied to provide a key cracking system like no other. Simply provide a small sample of data from the Receiver and the cracker will find the required key quickly and efficiently in only a few steps. Once a key is found, it will automatically be placed back into the Receiver ready to make the data stream readable. * Receiver * Receiver is able to pull data using multi-dimensional coordinates in any number of formats. ASCII, UTF-8, PETSCII, PNG to name a few. Should the data stream be encrypted, simply download a sample and pass it through the Cracker. Once a key is applied the data stream will decrypt the incoming data in real-time. ------------------------------- :: End User Licence Argument :: ------------------------------- Logicoma or any of the associated entities or staff members do not accept any responsibility for data loss, system malfunctions, collapses in the fabric of reality, burst capacitors or any other loss or damage when using this software. Great care should be taken when scanning for or downloading data from multi-dimensional entities. No warranty is provided. Use at your own risk.