Ocean Machine by The Black Lotus ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Final version released 2005-04-10 (Party version released at Beakpoint 2005, on 2005-03-27) This demo won the Amiga Demo competition at Breakpoint 2005. -= Requirements =- Run this demo on either: Real Amiga with 68060, 32+MB fastmem and AGA or WinUAE 0.9.92 or newer on a PC with an 1+GHz CPU ... or watch the video version. -= Perpetrators =- Louie - Graphics Tudor - Animation Yolk/CNCD - Music Kalms - Programming Rubberduck - Programming Nichosen - Graphics -= Story =- Another year, another demo. Breakpoint 2005 is coming up. Tradition bids us to join the pilgrimage to the fertile soil of southern Germany, and participate in the ritual bigscreen battles. Our weapon of choice this year is a less industrial, more ambient/atmospheric audiovisual demonstration. Which of course is far from being finished when the time has come for us to begin our journey. Dear friends and and lethal competitors at once, they are all gathered in the hall. Working, toiling away; giving their machines a pounding in a sudden fit of rage. One by one their visualizations reach completion. A few are however losing momentum bit by bit; slowly grinding to a halt, at which point the creators turn to the bottle for consolation. Their creations will not reach the public eye this time -- perhaps never, if fate so decides. Our process takes place elsewhere: at the hotel room. Scurried away in our own corner of the world, isolated from the other pilgrims. Always absent, always late, always busy. Time is scarce, and there is yet lots to be done. We submit our bodies and minds to the process. Code is written, objects are modelled, scenes are synchronized to the audio. Parts are created from void -- at first rough sketches, then they become more polished and sleek by each iteration. After more than 30 hours, the process ends prematurely: a savage bug is lurking somewhere in the code, and it may at any moment lash out and stop the production dead in its tracks. There is no time for more process, so with this potential Achilles' heel buried within our production we join the other pilgrims in the hall and hope that the bug will give us peace for the duration of the video recording. And shortly afterward... the battle. It is a magnificent sight! Each production with its own style and theme, vying for the favour of the pilgrims. Local phalanxes cheer on their compatriots' attempts to take the crown. Despite rough corners and lack of complete process, our production comes out ahead. We return to our homeland with satisfaction and another story to tell. All does not end there, however; we let the process reach its completion within the confines of our own homes. This is the result: What you see is what could have been, what should have been. Now it plain is. -= Changes =- Various changes have been done in the final version: * A very nasty crash bug has been removed (that one nearly stopped us from participating in the compo at BP05). * Music synchronization has been fixed. * Palette fades during greetings part. * Dancing girl interpolation has been bugfixed (in the party version, she would move jerkily if that scene ran in 3 frames). * The landscape part has been updated, as the original version just looked too nasty. * Performance has been improved in some places. * Datafile is now crunched on-disk. -= Thanks =- * Volker Barthelmann, Frank Wille and the gang for VBCC, VASM & VLINK. (www.compilers.de) Making a tailored set of cross-compiler/assembler/linkers from the source snapshots was surprisingly easy. * Hansoft (www.hansoft.se) for their project management tool. See the screenshot in the "bonus" directory for a section of our project plan. * Hotel Krone in Bingen for good service and friendly personnel, which happily fulfilled our sometimes odd requests without hesitation! * Vedder, for doing some betatesting of the final version on his machine. Until next time, Kalms/TBL