>>>>>>>> The Pixelated World <<<<<<<< Released the 16 oct. 2022 An >>>>> A G I M A <<<<< intro 64kb for the awesome immortal AMIGA computer ! The demo works with at least 512kb of chip memory for a total of at least 1mb memory. It has been designed with the A500 in mind (OCS, 512kb chip, 512kb fast) and works on most of the Amiga models. Credits ------- Ideas and Amos code : Aghnar Graphics : Optic Music : mAZE (dSr ^ RSE ^ Mds) The platform game scene ----------------------- The gfx of these scene have been drawn by Optic. Thanks my friend for this great work ! The scene is in 16 colors. The cat is a sprite so it has its own 16 colors palette. Moreover some rasters in the sky add some other colors. The Amiga is really a magical computer. The implementation of the scroll is based on the double screen algo which allows (almost) infinite size of the screen in one direction, so here the vertical direction. As usual the great music of mAZE magnify the whole rendering. Some other news --------------- The dev of New Bubble Story continue. Perhaps it will be finished in 2023. Who knows :-) You can find some info about our game in the main youtube channel of Agima. Moreover I will continue to post some sources in the repo https://github.com/alain-treesong/amiga_coding_in_amos See you with updates of New Bubble Story and demoscene relative things. Aghnar / Oct. 2022