Sunglasses At Night (final version) by GHOSTOWN and WHELPZ Coding: Cahir Graphics: Slayer Music: JazzCat party version was released at Riverwash 2014. final version was released at Payback 2015. What have we modified compared to party version: - demo works on standard Amiga 500 with 512 KB chip / 512 KB slow - most effect were optimized to work well without fast memory - new effect control system (in spirit of GNU Rocket) was implemented - inflate decompression routine is used to unpack bitmaps - replayer was reconfigured to run on vertical blank interrupt - order of effects was slightly changed - some minor and major changes and fixes (mostly very technical) Ghostown memberlist: JazzCat - org, music Slayer - org, gfx Cahir - code Codi - 3d Cosh - gfx Darklight - gfx Bodzio - swapper Guest appearance: Britelite - code Blueberry - code