Note to video sharers: A great amount of time and passion went into making this demonstration look and sound as good as possible. Watching videos of demos online via sharing services like Vimeo, YouTube, or through Facebook is a natural thing to do these days, and we all love it. But it is increasingly embarassing for authors to see a great number of carelessly captured demos (with bad resolution, framerate, compression, sound quality, asynchronous timing, false aspect ratio, image faults, missing parts, or name-tags and intros attached to them, etc.) seemingly distributed just to increase the online credibility and social media metrics of those that had nothing to do with the creative process whatsoever. This is unfair use! We do not endorse this development and would therefore like to ask you to obey the following simple terms of use for this production: 1. Do not capture and share your own video-version of our work when our work is the sole focus of your video. 2. You are not allowed to generate ad revenue from our content. 3. You are welcome to share links to the videos provided by us on sites like YouTube or Facebook. In fact we'd love you to do so! 4. Any questions or asking for exceptions: please get in touch with us. And now we hope that you enjoy watching this demonstration, be it on real hardware, through emulation, from a video, or during the compo. Just remember: sharing is caring!