Makedandelionexe ================================================================ This tool allows you to convert the trackmo Dandelion by The Electronic Knights into an executable. Usage examples: > makedandelionexe trackdisk.device:0 dh0:demos/dandelion.exe > makedandelionexe fmsdisk.device:3 dh0:demos/dandelion.exe The resulting executable requires much more memory than the original trackmo, but it runs from memory and exits to the shell or workbench on pressing the left mouse button. The executable can also write itself back onto floppy disk. Usage examples: > dandelion.exe write trackdisk.device:0 > dandelion.exe write fmsdisk.device:3 The resulting disk is equivalent to the original disk, i.e. it contains AmigaDOS tracks again including makedandelionexe. This is called the eternal turn of the wheel. Notes: - Requires Kick2.x (v36) or better. - The resulting demo should work on all Kickstart versions. - This tool does NOT allow you to convert ANY trackmo into an executable! It works ONLY for Dandelion by The Electronic Knights. Contact: