Circus BackSTage 1 disk version for Revision 2013 Party A 2 disks version with enhancements will be soon released Credits : - Gfx : Marss, Nytrik / Cocoon, Archmage / Brainstorm, Blochi ( - Music : DMA-SC / Sector One - Support, testing : CiH - Code : Cyg / BlaBLa ( Pre-requisities: Atari STE with 4MB of memory or an emulator If you choose to watch it on emulator, please prefer the last Hatari version (currently 1.6.2) since STeem (<3.5) is buggy with my overscan timings (Supplemental CiH note:/ HD Driver users are recommended to set to minimal RAM usage.) Tested on a real hardware (CiH, DMA-SC) March 2013