___________ ______ ______ ____________ ! \ ! ! ! ! / / ! ! _ \ ! ! !_! ! / / _______/ ___! ! !_\ \_! ! !_\ \ \____ :::! !:/ / /:! _ ! !::\_______ \ \::: :::! / /::! !:! ! !::/ / /::: :::!___________/:::!______!:!______!:/___________/:::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::[ Dead Hackers Society ]:::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: P R E S E N T S ...................................................... : : : REVISE AND REVISIT : : : : Released July 7, 2018 : : : :....................................................: : : : System: Atari STe, 4 MB memory, Harddrive : : : : Will fail on Mega STe (blitter timings) : :....................................................: : : : Credits: Crazy Q : : - Soundtrack : : "Keep On Hacking" : : : : Proteque : : - MPP blitter picture : : : : Gizmo : : - Code : : : : Bellman : : - Code : : : : Evil : : - Code and graphics : : : : Bifat / TEK : : - Cranker packer : : : : Zerkman / Sector One : : - MPP tools : : : : vecteezy.com and dafont.com : : - Resources : : : :....................................................: : : : The tenth Sommarhack and with less than a month to : : the party, we were standing without any release. : : : : Work had been killing us all year so there was no : : code made for a new demo. : : : : We agreed on taking a break and concentrate on : : next years party instead. : : : : But it just felt very wrong, and a couple of weeks : : into June, Evil asked Crazy Q if he would be : : interested to make a quick demo based on code from : : previous DHS Sommarhack demos. : : : : And that's exactly what this is; a few screens : : that has been presented before at Sommarhack in a : : slightly different way. Some screens might be : : quite different and some are rather alike. : : : : Most screens are in fullscreen and all screens are : : 50 FPS. : : : : We would have liked to make the demo work from : : diskette and Mega STe, but there was simply no : : time to make that happen, so we're using a : : streaming soundtrack that will require harddrive. : : : : Without music the demo works from a single floppy- : : disk and each screen will run on a 1MB machine : : stand alone. : : : : Hopefully the demo will work from any harddrive : : using Hddriver in "Fast ACSI"-mode that is capable : : to read approx 500k/second. : : : : We've successfully tested it with ComoSEX SD-card : : and NFS network drive. : : : :....................................................: eof