Amiga controls: joystick or joypad in port 1 or keyboard - 5 key or fire button to insert a coin - 1 key or up to start a 1P game - 2 key or down to start a 2P game - P key or CD32 play button to pause a game - ctrl or fire/red to fire - P key or 3rd button to pause the game - ESC key to quit & save high-scores (when run from amigaDOS) - joystick or left/right arrows: move left/right Command line arguments (no whdload) Usage: galaxian Cheats: see whdload splash screen Hiscore save: * If any cheat is selected, highscores won't be saved. * whdload: quit whdload with quitkey to allow highscore save * floppy: quit game with "ESC" and unprotect the floppy to allow highscore save Attention to A500/68000 users from floppy: As surprising as it can be, the game had really to be shoehorned for the standard A500 512 chip/512 slow 68000/7MHz configuration. Because of memory & CPU constraints compromises had to be made: - boot with ugly add36k to save some chipmem - stars aren't scrolling - part of screen is only 25Hz (attacking aliens still are 50Hz) With those compromises, the game runs at full speed. With whdload on 68000 it is possible to choose between "slow machine" or normal. Accelerated 68000 machines with fastmem can run the game properly with all options on (full 50Hz, scrolling stars)