Amiga controls: 2-button joystick or joypad in port 1 - 5 key or CD32 green/blue button to insert a coin - 1 key or CD32 yellow/red button to start a game - P key or CD32 play button to pause a game - fire/red to fire - 2nd button/blue to launch a bomb - P key or CD32 play to pause the game - ESC key to quit & save high-scores (when run from amigaDOS) Command line arguments (no whdload) Usage: xevious STARTLIVES/K/N,SKILL/K/N,FLAGXTRA/S,NOMUSIC/S,SUPER/S STARTLIVES: caution this is not the number of lives but DSW setting 0: 3 lives 1: 1 life 2: 2 lives 3: 5 lives SKILL: 0: normal 1: easy 2: hard 3: hardest FLAGXTRA: collecting hidden flag awards extra life NOMUSIC: some find the in-game music annoying. Turn it off SUPER: enable Super Xevious game variant Cheats: STARTAREA: 1-16 : start somewhere far in the game INVINCIBLE: can't die INFLIVES: infinite lives REVSOL: reveal Sol towers (bonuses) REVBFLAG: reveal bonus flags If any cheat is selected, highscores won't be saved. Examples: * easiest setting, max lives, flag awards extra life xevious STARTLIVES=3 FLAGXTRA SKILL=1 * hardest setting, min lives, super xevious xevious STARTLIVES=1 SKILL=3 SUPER