Badlands for Atari ST Adapted for hard disk run. Used tools, SW : STX image analyser (by me), STX to ST converter (by me), HxD - hex and file editor (freeware) . Steem Debugger (main tool). Modded Steem Debugger for finding stackframe related problems. PaintShopPro for cover scan conversions/editing, Photochrome, HigheSTcolor for converting to STE hi-color format. Devpac 3 assembler. Total Commander. Drive Imager for writing onto CF, SD cards and hard disks. Video Dub for capturing and processing video from oldies > YouTube . Some Html editors for WEB pages. New HAGA version from this, and single D15R* file, for all CPUs 68000-68030 . Should be compatible with accelerated ST(E)s . Src: STX img. of org. Deprot, fixes, packing , etc. Exit to Desktop, statesaves options. PP, Sept. 21 2018.