Gauntlet for Atari ST(E) with some improvements HAGA version - works on all ST, STE, Mega ST(E), Falcon, TT, any TOS. 1MB RAM min . By pressing M at HW detect screen may enter machine setting option - only with Mega STE, Falcon, TT. Exit to Desktop, savestates options. Unlimited health opt. If blitter is present it will run with smoother hotizontal scroll. Improved overall speed with or without blitter, but when there is lot of enemies it will slow down. Only help for it is faster Atari machine. Fixed flickering error too. There will be smaller graph glitches when 'inserting' warrior in case of 1MB machines - because of game's poor memory management. With 2MB or more appears not. Run with RUNMEB.TOS if machine has blitter, otherwise with RUNME.TOS . PP, Mar. 2018.