Kick Off 2 + World Cup 90 for Atari ST Adapted for hard disk run, TT, Falcon . Used tools, SW : STX image analyser (by me), STX to ST converter (by me), HxD - hex and file editor (freeware) . Steem Debugger (main tool). Modded Steem Debugger for finding stackframe related problems. PaintShopPro for cover scan conversion to TGA, Photochrome for converting to PCS, own simple SW to depacking it to PCH. Devpac 3 assembler. Total Commander. Drive Imager for writing onto CF, SD cards and hard disks. Video Dub for capturing and processing video from oldies > YouTube . Some Html editors for WEB pages. Src: STX image of org. Deprot, diverse fixes. Support for ingame save/loads on hard disk. Exit to Desktop, statesaves options. PP, Sep. 18 2012.