PLAYING TURBO LOTUS CHALLENGE 2 --------------------------------------- THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS ARE OFFERED; PLAYER 1 NAME (1). if you wish to change the name,simply highlight this option and type in your new name. PASSWORD . to eneter a password, highlight this option and type in a new password. PLAYER 2 NAME . as for player 1 option ACCELERATION FOR PLAYER 1 THIS ALLOWS YOU TO CHOOSE WETHER PUSHING FORWARD, OR PUSHING THE FIRE BUTTON,WILL ACCELERATE YOUR CAR. THE EFFECT THIS HAS ON THE OTHER CONTROLS IS AS FOLLOWS. FORWARD ACCELERATION FIRE BUTTON ACCELERATION ACCELERATE; forward fire button BRAKE; back back STEER LEFT; left left STEER RIGHT; right right CHANGE UP; forward and fire forward CHANGE DOWN; backward and fire backward OTHER KEYS.. F10 - PAUSE ESC - RESTART GAME ONE OR 2 PLAYERS; choose number of players. how to choose more than 2 players for link up games,and full screen 2 player games is explained later. ACCELERATION FOR PLAYER 2 as player 1 MANUAL/AUTOMATIC GEARS: PLAYER 1 player 1 chooses gear type. 2 COMPUTER LINK UPS MANUAL/AUTOMATIC GEARS/PLAYER 2 player 2 chooses gear type PLAYER ONE CONTROL joystick only for player 1, so this is non functional. START GAME. choosing this option and pressing fire will take you to the 1st stage of the race with the current options. PLAYER CONTROL. player 2 can either use a joystick in port 2, or the keyboard, if the keyboard is chosen the following keys are used to control the car. FORWARD - L BACKWARD - , LEFT - Z RIGHT - X FIRE - SPACEBAR STAGES AND CHECKPOINTS; THE GAME IS PLAYED OVER A NUMBER OF STAGES, 8 IN TOTAL, EACH ONE IS MADE UP OF A NUMBER OF CHECKPOINTS, WHICH WILL VARY BETWEEN 6 AND 10, DEPENDING UPON THE STAGE. THE PLAYER MUST REACH THE NEXT DESIGNATED CHECKPOINT WITHIN THE ALLOTTED TIME IN ORDER TO CONTINUE RACING. THE OBJECTIVE,OBVIOUSLY, IS TO REACH THEFINAL CHECKPOINT ON ANY STAGE AHEAD OF YOUR OPPONENTS,AND WITHIN THE GIVEN TIME. EACH STAGE TAKES PLACE IN A DIFFERENT PART OF AMERICA, AND EACH HAS A PASSWORD WHICH ALLOWS YOU TO START ON THAT STAGE IN FUTURE RACES. EACH HAS ITS OWN HAZARDS AND DANGERS, FROM ICE TO GIANT BOUL. THE STAGES WHICH WILL ALSO DETERMINE WETHER YOU DRIVE A LOTUS ESPRIT OR A LOTUS ELAN, ARE IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER. THE STAGES; FOREST;5 checkpoints. dense trees line this stage, and you will find water,trees and logs strewn across the track. hitting a log,however,will cause the car to do a spectacular jump,which can be used for overtaking or jumping over other hazards. NIGHT; 7 checkpoints. the darkness will be your biggest enemy, as it will ake the track beyons a certain distance obscure to you. this stage also contains some long tunnels,but it is a relatively fast section of the race. FOG; 8 checkpoints. unlike this one, this is one of the more difficult stages,with fog serving to obscure your vision to a very high degree.low visibilty and twisting roads will make this section very difficult. SNOW; 6 checkpoints. trees and bushes could again prove to make the going difficult on this section.add to this the driving snow, ice patches and lighter than light steering, and you`ll know you have a challenge on your hands. DESERT; 10 checkpoints. not the easiest surface to race on,try to stick to the centre of the road, where there is less sand to clog up your car,towards the edge there will be more sand,and in some places small snadrifts will prove hazardous. CITY; 8 checkpoints there are 2 lanes in this stage,and its up to you wether you want to take the chances-if you cross over into the right hand lane, there will be less traffic going in your direction,but a lot more coming coming towards you. this is very difficult,in addition,there are also lorries crossing your path at the intersections. you couls avoid them,but managing to drive underneath them willearn you extra points. MARSH; 10 checkpoints. oil and water make the gong tough,but on this stage, you`ll be given some help in the shape of green time bonuses to be found on the road. STORM; 6 checkpoints. wild rain,thunder and kightning serve to slow you down, but again theres extra help on hand for the final stage of the turbos, which are activated assoon as you pick them up, will give you an extra burst of speed. RACING; if you choose 1 player, then you will be presented with a full screen view of the 1st section once it has loaded. the screen layoutis as follows; YOUR SPEED IS INDICATED IN THE TOP LEFT CORNER OF THE PLAYING SCREEN , WITH YOUR REVS DIRECTLY UNDERNEATH, AND YOUR GEAR UNDERNEATH THIS. IN THE TOP RIGHT HAND CORNER IS YOUR SCORE. WITH THE RELATIVE POSITION INDICATOR IF YOU ARE IN MULTI-PLAYER MODE BELOW THIS.AND YOUR TIME REMAINING BENEATH THIS. 2/3/4/ PLAYER OPTIONS; if you choose a multi player option,another icon will appear on the screen underneath your score. this indicates the positions of t he other players relative to you. LINKING 2 COMPUTERS; linking 2 computers is possible with lotus II. 2 amigas or 2 atari st`s can be linked,offering a number of opportunities,obviously each machine will need a copy of lotus II, 2 players can now race. each with a full screen view,alternatively, 3 or 4 players can race simu;taneously with a split screen view. to do this you will need to obtain a null kodem lead to link the serial ports of the 2 computers.(these can be purchased from gremlin for just 9.99 each) once the 2 computers are connected to each other ,you need do no more,exceptselect the 2 computer link up option indicated on the main menu... and thats yer lot...signed scooter...30/10/91 LOTUS TURBO CHALLENGE 2 HINTS, CHEATS Type the following passwords etc to start on other levels, cheat etc; THE LEVELS ---------- TWILIGHT - NIGHT CITY - LIVERPOOL THE SKIDS - SNOW PEA SOUP - FOG PEACHES - DESERT BAGLEY - MARSH E BOW - STORM CHEATS ------ TURPENTINE - NEVER RUN OUT OF TIME DEESIDE - ALWAYS COME FIRST SECRET GAME ----------- DUX - ENTER CARNIVAL GAME