Microprose Golf for Atari ST This is HAGA hard disk adaptation. Works on all ST, STE, Mega ST, Mega STE, TT, Falcon. Min RAM 1MB. Works with all decent hard disk drivers, 1GB Falcon partitions. Gamesaves: game's save/load works. It goes on/from file MGD, what is actually floppy image file. So, you can even use your saves from real floppy - then make it's image with proper SW and copy to this DIR with name MGD (before it may save or rename org. MGD file). Possible problems: there is 2 course disk with game. They are not loaded by their names, but you can change courses by clicking "OTHER COURSE" by course selection menu. This adaptation will then swap image files MG2 & MG3. It may be problem when you load some ROUND and other course image is active. So, take care to have active proper course disk before loading ROUND. Or better, use just HAGA (/) to save/restore gamestates. PP, Dec. 2010. HAGA update March 2012.