Ork - Manual The Story. ~~~~~~~~~~ The Heyadahl were not a particularly warlike race, however their aggressive appearance and arrogant ways often made them an unwilling target for other races. This being the case, the Heyadahl had to learn to fight. And, unfortunately for their opponents, as with everything they did, the Heyadahl learned quickly and they learned well. They improved their hitherto un- necessary technological skills, concentrating on creating a fleet of battle space cruisers. To man these superior craft they formed and ran an acadamy for their crews in which only the cream of the Heyadahl could possibly hope to be successful. Believing the way to win wars was by having superior leadership in the field, the Heyadahl honed their cruiser captains to perfection. Pushing them to their physical and mental limits, readying them for the ultimate. Their fleets of starships became legendary throughout their system, but there was always a constant threat of attack from unknown races, hence the Heyadahl were always ready. Their reputation for never starting aggression - but for always ending it - was earned not only by their well-built and highly efficint star cruisers but also by their seemingly unbeatable crews; The captains of which were acclaimed as being devotedly loyal, brilliant stratagists, honorable, brave, and willing to die for their race. Training for the captaincy of a Heyadahl was the best. And, as captains held a place of high esteem and were revered throughout the race, every young Heyadahl aspired to command a star cruiser, it was the ultimate honour. Aspiring Captain Ku-Kabal rested in his cabin. He knew that before him lay the the final and most gruelling test of his abilities to command. He knew also that those who failed this test were never seen, or heard of again. Seven aurms had he been studying and training for the test ahead. He must not fail.. 'Ku-Kabal to the bridge!' This was it! He breifly studied his reflection in the veiwscreen of his cabin as he walked to the door - 'Looking good.' he thought. He entered the corridor to be met by two security Bis who silently escorted him on his all-too-brief walk to the bridge. The Examiners sat along the rear wall, the veiwer by which they would all watch Ku-Kabul's progress (or otherwise) filled the opposite wall. 'Ku-Kubal.' The Chief Examiner spoke in a quiet but commanding voice. 'You have spent many aurms to get where you are today. You have trained well and are considered by your teachers to be ready for this, your final test.' The word final didn't fill Ku-Kubal with confidence. 'You have no idea what awaits you in the arena, but if you rememer all that has been taught you, you will succeed.' Ku-Kubal wished he felt as confident. 'You will be armed only with basic Twin-cannons and equiped with an empty Jet-Pack.' Thanks a lot! 'Your regeneration abilities will be nullified: You will only have one life; use it wisely! However, success during you quest will provide you with energy, equipment and lives, sufficient to see you through to the end.' Did he have to say end? 'Prepare to be transported to the arena on planet lxion.' The Cheif Examiner nodded to the crewman standing at the ship's main computer. The crewman passed a digit over the control panel and Ku-Kubal experienced the all-too-familiar feeling of his molecules re-arranged. Just before he dissapeared from the bridge he heard the Examiner: 'Success, my son....' The Game. ~~~~~~~~~ You play the part of Ku-Kubal as he faces his ultimate challenge. You control him and make his decisions as he battles his way thriugh the taxing tests placed before him. Ku-Kubal has to deal with vicious creatures as well as solve perplexing puzzles in order to escape... and face his next challenge. The differing levels vary greatly in that some are infested with awsome enemies while pthers require only your brain power to escape. However, most feature both! Controls. ~~~~~~~~~ Joystick (in walk mode): Up: Jump up. Up/right: Jump right. Right: Walk right. Down/fire: Enter computer. Left: Walk left. Left/up: Jump left. Fire: Activate cannon/Laser switches. Joystick (in jet mode): Up: Fly up/Take off from Launch pad. left: Fly left. Right: Fly right. Fire: Activate cannon/Laser switches Keys: Spacebar: Inventory. P: Pause Ork. Esc/fire: Abort Ork. Icons: ~~~~~~ At the top of the screen are three sets of icons: Ammunition: The first set (top left) indicates the ammount of ammunition you have for you cannons. Ammunition clips - displayed as a clip inside a spinning circle - may be collected en-route. Lifeforce: The middle icon represents your Lifeforce level - displated as an oscilloscope. Try to maintain a nice wave in the line: A flat line means you are close to death. You only live once and therefore must collect Lifeforce icons en-route - displayed as a heart inside a spinning circle. You may check your lifeforce level by accessing a computer terminal (see below). Jet fuel: The last set of icons (top right) indicate the amount of jet fuel you have for flying. You may increase your reserves by collecting fuel pods en-route. Score: Your score is displayed at the bottom of the screen -The bigger the better! Laser switches: You will often find your way barred by laser gates. These are deactivated by using the appropriate laser switch. These usually take the form of of a receptacle, the key to which is to be found elsewhere on the level You may need more than one laser key to access the whole level (Keys can be used more than once). To use the keys, step behind the receptacle and press fire. Inventory: When in your inventory (press spacebar to access it), move your joystick left and right to highlight an object and press fire to select it. To get out of your inventory without selecting an item, either push up on your joystick or select an empty slot. When an object has been selected, it will either be dropped or used in the appropriate place. You may carry a maximum of eight objects at one time. NB: Laser keys are not used with the inventory selection system, although they can be dropped anwhere. To use the laser keys see above. Launch pads: If you have sufficient fuel you may utilise your jet-pack by standing on a lauch pad and pushing up on your joystick. Try not to run out of fuel in awkward places - such as over a laser gate or rough terain. To land in the conventional way, find another - or indeed the same - launch pad and, er, land on it. Computer terminal: To access a computer terminal, stand behind it and press fire. But be carefull: Hostiles will still attack you even though your're busy accessing the computer. Once accessed, you're presented with amenu of options: Use your joystick and fire button to select the one you want. Object analysis: Possibly the most useful option. If you don't know what an object does, ask the computer! Symbols used in some of the clues the computer provides may need clarification. The following will become clearer as you play the game: 1 < 2 means that 1 comes before 2. 1 > 2 means that 1 comes after 2. 1 = 2 means that 1 is next to 2. 1 <> 2 means that 1 is not next to 2. Scanner: To activate this option, you first need to find the scanner module. Once activated, it will present you with a map of you immediate surroundings. The letters URER (you are here!) indicate your current position on the map. Lifeforce systems: This option gives you your diagnostics and tells you how much of the game you've completed. Systems Control: This option enables you to save your position to disk or load in a previously saved position from disk. To save your game, select Save and when prompted, insert a blank disk into DF0: This disk does not have to be formatted. Press fire and your game will be saved. To load apreviously saved game, select Load and insert your disk when asked. Press fire and your game will be loaded from disk. Read the clues. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Level 1. A key to the gold is what you need, To pay the toll and so be freed. Level 2. Here is my advice: Collect a key, thrice! The third is well hidden, enclosed in a pocket. A jar must be smitten, to reveal a rocket. If your aim is straight and true, the key will be for you. Level 3. A bird in the hand is worth two Power Gems! Cheat mode: Stand next to a computer terminal, then press Down + Fire on the Joystick. Move the pointer to all four corners of the options screen to confirm correct code entry. Press one of the following keys to activate the corresponding cheat function. Effect Key Extra fuel F Restore life H Extra ammunition A Take off and land anywhere [Enter] Level 3: Use the Joystick to enter 2314 as a password at the end of level 2.