WILD WHEELS =========== Copyright Red Rat Software 1991 Please make backup copies of the original supply disc's and run from your copies. The Paragraph on page 2 headed "KEYBOARD LAYOUT ..." should read "The three positions of the Tri-Zoom camera, plus the Overhead Play Mode, can be cycled through by pressing the RETURN Key. The Keyboard direction controls are given by the Cursor Keys or the Numeric Keypad as illustrated below." The following paragrahs were inadvertently missed out of the manual, and should be inserted at the end of page 17. SCOREBOARD SCREEN This is the screen that shows you the points, attainments and credits that you have acquired during the match. If you won the match you will be rewarded with a 500pt prize. In this screen you can can sell any of the attainments or credits that you may have acquired during the game.If you wish to sell any of the attainments move the cursor at the bottom of the screen to the "Sell Attainments" and press fire. If you have any attainments to sell you will be presented with a cursor surrounding the first attainment to sell, if you wish to sell it press the button and its value will be added to your score. This also applies to "Sell Credit". When you have completed your selling session, select the Finish option at the bottom of the screen and press fire. Please note some of the vehicles require that you possess some of the Attainments before allowing you to buy them, so bear this in mind when selling. After the Scoreboard screen you will be shown either a Congratulation screen or a Hard Luck screen depending on your score. This will also tell you which Grade you are now in. Press the button to exit this screen. You will now be shown the Status Screen where you can save your present game should you wish to do so. SAVED GAME If you do wish to save your game make sure that the write-protect tab is set to write on your disk, and Select YES on the option at the bottom of the screen. You will be given the names of the previous saved games and a blank line. You can move the cursor through the names selecting one with the button. Follow the prompts at the bottom of the screen.